Form P6401
Edition 6
October 2005
CCN 03528635
Nonreversible and Reversible
MULTI–VANE® Geared Motors
92N and 92R Series
Operations and
Maintenance Information
Save These Instructions
than the Vent plug from the upper side of the motor and
connect an oil line from a gravity feed reservoir. Connect an
overflow line to the Level Plug opening and run it to a pump
to return the lubricant to the gravity feed reservoir.
If the Motor is mounted in any position other than
that illustrated, contact an Ingersoll-Rand
Representative for oil level and venting recommendations.
Direction of Shaft Rotation
Series 92N Non–reversible Motors are assembled at the
factory so that the Motor Shaft (36) rotates counterclockwise
when facing the end of the Shaft. When desired, the direction
of the shaft rotation can be changed as follows:
1. Stand the Motor upright on a workbench with the Motor
Housing Cover (1) upward and secure it in position by
clamping the base with a C–clamp.
2. Remove the four Housing Cover Cap Screws (2).
3. Being careful not to damage the Cylinder Seals (8A), pull
the Motor Housing Cover and the Motor Housing (11) off
the Gear Box (18).
4. Grasp the Cylinder (8) with both hands and carefully work
the motor from the Gear Box.
5. While holding the Cylinder with one hand, drive against
the splined end of the Rotor (12) with a soft hammer until
the Front Rotor Bearing (13) comes free from the rotor
Press against the inner ring of the Bearing when
pressing the Front Rotor Bearing on the rotor shaft.
9. Align the dowel hole in both End Plates and Cylinder, and
insert the Cylinder Dowel (9) so that it protrudes from the
Rear End Plate.
10. Place the Housing Cover Gasket (4) in the recess in the
Housing Cover so that the dowel notch in the Gasket is
aligned with the dowel hole in the Cover.
11. Set the motor assembly in the Cover so that the Cylinder
Dowel enters the dowel hole.
12. Slide the Motor Housing (11) over the Cylinder and
against the Motor Housing Cover.
13. Place the Gear Box Gasket (17) on the face of the Front
End Plate.
6. Withdraw the Front Rotor Bearing, Front Rotor Bearing
Spacer Assembly (14) and Front End Plate (7).
7. Withdraw the Cylinder (8), turn it end–for–end, and slide
it back over the Rotor.
14. Pick up the entire assembly and being careful not to
damage the Cylinder Seals, work it into the pilot recess in
the gear box.
15. Install the Housing Cover Cap Screws and, with the
Motor running at a slow speed using air pressure of 30 to
40 psig (2.07 to 2.76 bar/207 to 276 kPa), alternately
tighten the Screws to 28 to 31 ft–lb. (38.0 to 42.0 Nm)
8. Install the Front End Plate, Front Rotor Bearing Spacer
Assembly and Front Rotor Bearing.
(Dwg. TPB490)
Form P6401 Edition 6
Reversible Motor Applicatons Air Flow Information
When these motors are used on applications requiring a reversible motor, a 4–way throttle valve or two 3–way throttle
valves must be used in the air supply line in accordance with the following schematic diagram (TPB491).
When the application requires a non–reversible motor, a 2–way inline valve can be used in the air supply line. In either
case, the inlet and outlet of the valve must be equal in size, and preferably one size larger, than the inlet of the motor.
(Dwg. TPB491)
Form P6401-Edition 6
Form P6401 Edition 6
92N and 92R Series Exploded Diagram
(Dwg. TPA551-1)
Form P6401-Edition 6
92N and 92R Series Parts List
Sl. No.
Motor Housing Cover
for Series 92N
Part Number Sl. No.
for Model 92NA008 or
Part Number
for Series 92R
for Model 92NA011 or
Short Housing Cover Cap Screw
(4 for 92N; 2 for 92R)
Long Housing Cover Cap Screw
(2 for 92R)
for Model 92NA014 or
for Model 92NA017 or
Copper Seal Washer (4)
Motor Housing Cover Gasket
Rear Rotor Bearing
Rear Rotor Bearing Retainer
End Plate (2)
for Model 92NA022 or
for Series 92NB or 92RB
First Stage Intermediate Gear
Rear Bearing
Cylinder Assembly
for Series 92N
First Stage Intermediate Gear
Front Bearing
for Series 92R
8A Cylinder Seal (2)
Cylinder Dowel
Motor Shaft Rear Bearing or
Intermediate Gear Pinion Rear
10 Vane Packet (set of 5 Vanes)
11 Motor Housing
Second Stage Intermediate
12 Rotor
Gear (for Series 92NB or 92RB) 48NA-756-022
Second Stage Intermediate
13 Front Rotor Bearing
14 Front Rotor Bearing Spacer
Gear Key or Motor Shaft Gear
Key (2)
Front Rotor Seal
Intermediate Gear Pinion
for Model 92NB029 or
Bearing Spacer Seal
17 Gear Case Gasket
Gear Box Assembly
for Model 92NB036 or
for Model 92NA005 or
for Model 92NB045 or
for Model 92NA008 or
for Model 92NB078 or
for Model 92NA011 or
Intermediate Gear Pinion
Roller Bearing (for Series
92NB or 92RB)
for Model 92NA014 or
for Model 92NA017 or
Intermediate Gear Pinion
Front Bearing (for Series
92NB or 92RB)
for Model 92NA022 or
Third Stage Intermediate Gear
Bearing (for Series 92NB or
for Model 92NB029 or
for Model 92NB036 or
Third Stage Intermediate Gear
for Model 92NB029 or
for Model 92NB045 or
for Model 92NB036 or
for Model 92NB078 or
for Model 92NB045 or
Gear Box
Gear Box Frame (for Series
92NB or 92RB)
for Model 92NB078 or
Gear Box Gasket
First Stage Intermediate Gear
for Model 92NA005 or
Form P6401 Edition 6
92N and 92R Series Parts List (Continued)
Sl. No.
Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing
Part Number Sl. No.
Part Number
for Model 92NB078 or
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Motor Shaft Gear
for Model 92NA005 or
Motor Shaft Key
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Gear Box Cover Assembly
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Motor Shaft Seal
for Model 92NA008 or
for Model 92NA011 or
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Vent Plug
for Model 92NA014 or
Gear Box Cover Cap Screw (11)
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Series 92NB or 92RB
1/4 Lock Washer (11)
Oil Plug (12 for Series 92NB or
92RB; 11 for others)
for Model 92NA017 or
for Model 92NA022 or
Motor Shaft Front Bearing
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Series 92NB or 92RB
Motor Shaft
Nameplate Screw (3)
for Series 92NA or 92RA
for Model 92NB029,
92RB029, 92NB036,
92RB036, 92NB045, or
Not illustrated
To keep downtime to a minimum, it is desirable to have on hand certain repair parts. We recommend that you stock one
(pair or set) of each part indicated by a bullet (•) for every four motors in service.
Form P6401-Edition 6
Maintenance Section
General Instructions
1. Do not disassemble the motor any further than necessary
to replace or repair damaged parts.
2. Do not disassemble the motor unless you have a
complete set of new gaskets and O–rings for
of the Intermediate Gear. If the Bearings are frozen on
the hubs, use a bearing puller to remove them.
6. Push the assembled Motor Shaft out of the Gear Box
Cover Assembly.
7. Pull the Motor Shaft Rear Bearing (24) off the rear hub of
the Motor Shaft.
3. When grasping a motor or part in a vise,always use
leather–covered or copper–covered vise jaws to protect
the surface of the part or motor and help prevent
distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members
and housings.
4. Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a
subassembly unless the removal of that part is necessary
for repairs or replacement.
5. Do not press any needle bearing from a part unless you
have a new needle bearing on hand for installation.
Needle bearings are always damaged during the removal
8. Pull the Motor Shaft Front Bearing (35) off the front hub of
the Motor Shaft.
9. Using a gear puller, pull the Motor Shaft Gear (34) off the
rear of the Motor Shaft. Remove the two Shaft Keys (26).
10. Using a hooked tool, pull the Motor Shaft Seal (39) out of
the Gear Box Cover.
Disassembly of Series 92NB and 92RB Gearing
1. Unscrew and remove the eleven Gear Box Cover Cap
Screws (41) and Lock Washers (42).
2. Remove the Motor Shaft Key (37) and lay the assembled
gear box on a workbench with the Motor Shaft (36)
Disassembly of the Motor
3. Grasp the Gear Box Frame (19) and carefully separate
the assembled Frame and Gear Box Cover Assembly
(38) from the Gear Box (18) and set it aside. If the First
Stage Intermediate Gear (21) remains with the Gear Box
Frame, make certain it does not drop onto any hard
surfaces or other gearing.
1. Remove the Vent Plug (40) and positioning the Drain
Plug (43) over a container, remove the Drain Plug and
drain the lubricant from the Gear Box (18). Clamp the
mounting foot of the Gear Box to the work bench.
2. Remove the Housing Cover Cap Screws (2) and
Washers (3).
4. Remove the Gear Box Gasket (20).
3. Grasp the Motor Housing (11) and Motor Housing Cover
(1) and separate the motor parts from the Gear Box.
4. Separate the Motor Housing Cover from the Motor
Housing and being careful not to damage the Cylinder
Seals (8A), grasp the spline end of the Rotor (12) and pull
the assembled motor out of the Motor Housing.
5. Pull the Front Rotor Bearing (13), Front Rotor Bearing
Spacer Assembly (14) and Front End Plate (7) off the hub
of the Rotor.
6. Peel the Gear Case Gasket (17) from the End Plate. If
portions of the Gasket remain adhered to the End Plate,
use a scrapper made from a non–damaging material
such as nylon, to scrap the Gasket and adhesive from the
End Plate.
7. Pull the Cylinder (8) and Cylinder Dowel (9) off the Rotor
and remove the Vanes (10) from the vane slots in the
8. Remove the two Cylinder Seals (8A) from the grooves in
the large flanges of the Cylinder.
9. Using snap ring pliers, remove the Rear Rotor Bearing
Retainer (6) and pull the Rear Rotor Bearing (5) and End
Plate off the rear hub of the Rotor.
10. Peel the Motor Housing Cover Gasket (7) from the End
Plate. If portions of the Gasket remain adhered to the
End Plate, use a scrapper made from a non–damaging
material such as nylon, to scrap the Gasket and adhesive
from the End Plate.
5. Lift the First Stage Intermediate Gear out of the Gear
Box. Pull the First Stage Intermediate Gear Rear Bearing
(22) and First Stage Intermediate Gear Front Bearing (23)
off the hubs of the Intermediate Gear. If the Bearings are
frozen on the hubs, use a bearing puller to remove them.
6. Carefully separate the Gear Box Cover Assembly from
the Gear Box Frame and remove the Gear Case Gasket.
Be careful not to allow the Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing
Race (32) or the Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing (33) to slide
off the Motor Shaft and become damaged.
7. Remove the Third Stage Intermediate Gear (31) and the
two Third Stage Intermediate Gear Bearings (30) from
either the Gear Box Frame or the Gear Box Cover
Assembly. Pull the two Bearings from the shafts of the
Gear. If the Bearings are frozen on the shafts, use a
bearing puller to remove them.
8. Pull the Intermediate Gear Pinion Rear Bearing (24) off
the rear hub of the Intermediate Gear Pinion (27).
9. Using a gear puller, pull the Second Stage Intermediate
Gear (25) from the rear hub of the Intermediate Gear
Pinion. Remove the two Shaft Keys (26).
10. Push the Intermediate Gear Pinion out the motor shaft
end of the Gear Box Frame.
11. Pull the Intermediate Gear Pinion Front Bearing (29) off
the Pinion and if the Intermediate Gear Pinion Roller
Bearing (28) must be replaced, pull it from the Pinion.
12. If the Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing and Bearing Race have
not been removed, remove them from the Shaft.
13. Push the assembled Motor Shaft out of the Gear Box
Cover Assembly.
14. Pull the Motor Shaft Front Bearing (35) off the front hub of
the Motor Shaft.
15. Using a hooked tool, pull the Motor Shaft Seal (39) out of
the Gear Box Cover.
Disassembly of Series 92NA and 92RA Gearing
1. Unscrew and remove the eleven Gear Box Cover Cap
Screws (41) and Lock Washers (42).
2. Remove the Motor Shaft Key (37) and lay the assembled
gear box on a workbench with the Motor Shaft (36)
3. Carefully separate the Gear Box Cover Assembly (38)
from the Gear Box (18) and set it aside. If the
Intermediate Gear (21) remains with the Gear Box Cover,
make certain it does not drop onto any hard surfaces or
other gearing.
4. Remove the Gear Box Gasket (20).
5. Lift the Intermediate Gear out of the Gear Box. Pull the
First Stage Intermediate Gear Rear Bearing (22) and First
Stage Intermediate Gear Front Bearing (23) off the hubs
Form P6401 Edition 6
General Instructions
1. Always press on the inner ring of a ball–type bearing
when installing the bearing on a shaft.
8. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
Motor Shaft Front Bearing (35), press the Bearing onto
the output end of the Motor Shaft (36).
2. Always press on the outer ring of a ball–type bearing
when pressing the bearing into a bearing recess.
3. Whenever grasping a tool or part in a vise, always use
leather–covered or copper–covered vise jaws. Take extra
care not to damage threads or distort housings.
4. Except for bearings, clean every part and wipe every part
with a thin film of oil before installation.
5. Check every bearing for roughness. If an open bearing
must be cleaned, wash it thoroughly clean suitable
solution and dry with a clean cloth. Sealed or shielded
bearings should not be cleaned. Work grease into every
bearing before installation.
6. Apply a film of O–ring lubricant to every O–ring before
7. Unless otherwise noted, always press on the stamped
end of a needle bearing when installing a needle bearing
into a recess. Use a bearing inserting tool similar to the
one shown in Dwg. TPD786.
9. Install the Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing (33) followed by the
Motor Shaft Thrust Bearing Race (32) onto the opposite
end of the Motor Shaft and insert the assembled Shaft,
Bearing Race leading, into the Pinion Roller Bearing.
10. Place one of the Gear Box Gaskets (20) onto the Gear
Box Frame making certain the Gasket fits over the
alignment pin in the Frame and fits well around the large,
raised alignment hub.
11. Using a dowel, push the Motor Shaft Seal (39), small
opening leading, into the recess in the Gear Box Cover
Assembly (38).
12. Position the Cover over the Box Frame and install the
Seal on the Motor Shaft by bringing the Cover down
against the Gasket. Make certain the alignment pin and
hub on the Frame enter the hole and recess in the Cover.
13. Turn the assembly over so that the output end of the
Motor Shaft is downward.
14. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
First Stage Intermediate Gear Front Bearing (23), press
the Bearing onto the shaft adjacent to the small spline of
the First Stage Intermediate Gear (21).
15. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
First Stage Intermediate Gear Rear Bearing (22), press
the Bearing onto the shaft adjacent to the large spline of
the First Stage Intermediate Gear (21).
16. Position the Bearing nearest the smaller spline on the
shaft of the First Stage Intermediate Gear above the
bearing recess in the Gear Box Frame. Engage the
smaller spline of the Gear with the spline of the Second
Stage Intermediate Gear while pushing the Bearing into
the recess.
17. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
Intermediate Gear Pinion Rear Bearing (24), press a
Bearing onto the shaft of the Intermediate Gear Pinion.
18. Place the remaining Gear Box Gasket onto the Gear Box
Frame making certain the Gasket fits over the alignment
pin in the Frame and fits well around the large, raised
alignment hub.
19. Position the Gear Box (18) over the assembly and bring
the Gear Box down against the Gasket while making sure
the Bearings enter the bearing recesses in the Gear Box.
Make certain the alignment pin and hub on the Frame
enter the hole and recess in the Gear Box.
20. While keeping the assembly together, turn it over and
insert the eleven Gear Box Cover Cap Screws (41) with
their Lock Washers (42) through the holes of the Cover
and Frame and into the Gear Box. Tighten the Screws
evenly, a little at a time, using an alternating pattern. Use
the Screws to draw the assembly together without
distortion and without binding.
(Dwg. TPD786)
Assembly of Series 92NB and 92RB Gearing
1. Using a bearing inserting tool, press the Intermediate
Gear Pinion Roller Bearing (28) into the Intermediate
Gear Pinion (27).
2. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the outer ring of the
Intermediate Gear Pinion Bearing (29), press the Bearing
into the large bearing recess in the spindle side of the
Gear Box Frame (19).
3. Insert the shaft of the Intermediate Gear Pinion through
the Bearing and Frame, and rest the assembly on the
table of an arbor press with the pinion shaft upward and
the gear end face of the pinion supported.
4. Insert the two Second Stage Intermediate Gear Keys (26)
into the slots in the shaft and press the Second Stage
Intermediate Gear (25) onto the pinion shaft capturing the
Gear Box Frame within the assembly.
5. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
Third Stage Intermediate Gear Bearing (30), press a
Bearing onto each shaft of the Third Stage Intermediate
Gear (31).
6. Place the assembled Gear Box Frame on a workbench
with the roller bearing end of the Pinion upward.
7. Position the Bearing nearest the large spline on the shaft
of Third Stage Intermediate Gear above the bearing
recess in the Gear Box Frame. Engage the large spline of
the Gear with the spline of the Pinion while pushing the
Bearing into the recess.
Assembly of Series 92NA and 92RA Gearing
1. Insert the two Motor Shaft Gear Keys (26) into the slots in
the Motor Shaft (36) and press the Motor Shaft Gear (34)
onto the Motor Shaft.
2. Using a dowel, push the Motor Shaft Seal (39), small
opening leading, into the recess in the Gear Box Cover
Assembly (38).
3. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
Motor Shaft Front Bearing (35), press the Bearing onto
the output end of the Motor Shaft.
4. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
Motor Shaft Rear Bearing (24), press a Bearing onto the
motor end of the Motor Shaft.
5. Insert the output end of the Motor Shaft through the Motor
Shaft Seal and push it into the into the gear Box Cover
Assembly until the Motor Shaft Front Bearing seats in the
bearing recess.
Form P6401-Edition 6
6. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
First Stage Intermediate Gear Front Bearing (23), press
the Bearing onto the shaft adjacent to the small spline of
the First Stage Intermediate Gear (21).
7. Using a piece of tubing that contacts the inner ring of the
First Stage Intermediate Gear Rear Bearing (22), press
the Bearing onto the shaft adjacent to the large spline of
the First Stage Intermediate Gear (21).
8. Place the Gear Box Cover Assembly on a workbench
with the output end of the Motor Shaft downward.
9. Position the Bearing nearest the smaller spline on the
shaft of the First Stage Intermediate Gear above the
bearing recess in the Gear Box Cover. Engage the
smaller spline of the Gear with the spline of the Motor
Shaft Gear while pushing the Bearing into the recess.
10. Place the Gear Box Gasket (20) onto the Gear Box Cover
making certain the Gasket fits over the alignment pin in
the Cover and fits well around the large, raised alignment
5. Place a Vane (10) in each vane slot.
6. Install new Cylinder Seals (8A) in the grooves in the large
hubs of the Cylinder (8).
7. For Series 92N Non–reversible Motors, the direction of
rotation of the Motor depends on the relationship of the
Cylinder and End Plates. To obtain desired shaft rotation,
proceed as follows:
a. Rotate the End Plate until the 17/64” (6.75 mm)
through hole (dowel hole) is facing you. Note there is a
similar hole extending lengthwise through the Cylinder,
and at about 40 to one side of the hole is an air port.
b. Hold the Cylinder upright, facing the dowel hole and
with the air port to the right for clockwise shaft rotation, to
the left for counterclockwise shaft rotation. Then place it
over the Rotor so that the dowel hole in the Cylinder and
End Plate are in alignment. For Series 92R Reversible
Motors, place the Cylinder over the Rotor so that the
dowel hole in the Cylinder and End Plate are in
11. Position the Gear Box (18) over the assembly and bring
the Gear Box down against the Gasket while making sure
the Bearings enter the bearing recesses in the Gear Box.
Make certain the alignment pin and hub on the Frame
enter the hole and recess in the Gear Box.
12. While keeping the assembly together, turn it over and
insert the eleven Gear Box Cover Cap Screws (41) with
their Lock Washers (42) through the holes of the Cover
into the Gear Box. Tighten the Screws evenly, a little at a
time, using an alternating pattern. Use the Screws to
draw the assembly together without distortion and without
8. The Gear Case Gasket has adhesive on one side of the
Gasket. Place the remaining End Plate flat on a clean
surface with the face having the channel going from the
central opening to the outer edge upward. Orient the
Gasket to the End Plate, making certain the cylinder
dowel hole openings align, and attach it to the End Plate
by bringing the gasket adhesive into contact with the face
of the End Plate. Press it flat onto the face.
9. Install the End Plate, Gasket side trailing, onto the short
hub of the Rotor. Rotate it so that the cylinder dowel hole
is aligned with the corresponding hole in the Cylinder.
Insert the Cylinder Dowel (9) to maintain the alignment
with the Dowel protruding through the Rear End Plate.
10. Slide the Rear Rotor Bearing (5) on the short hub of the
Rotor and against the End Plate. Using snap ring pliers,
install the Rear Rotor Bearing Retainer (6) to keep the
Bearing and End Plate in position.
11. Position the Motor Housing Cover (1) over the Rear Rotor
Bearing and End Plate. Make certain the cylinder dowel
holes and porting are aligned correctly. Remove the
assembly from the vise jaws.
12. Carefully slide the Motor Housing (11) over the
assembled motor and position it against the Motor
Housing Cover.
Motor Assembly
1. The Gear Case Gasket (17) has adhesive on one side of
the Gasket. Place one End Plate (7) flat on a clean
surface with the face having the channel going from the
central opening to the outer edge upward. Orient the
Gasket to the End Plate, making certain the cylinder
dowel hole openings align, and attach it to the End Plate
by bringing the gasket adhesive into contact with the face
of the End Plate. Press it flat onto the face.
2. Slip the End Plate, gasket face trailing, onto the spline
end of the Rotor (12).
3. Install the Front Rotor Bearing Spacer Assembly (14) and
the Front Rotor Bearing (13) onto the splined shaft of the
Rotor and against the End Plate. If the Bearing is a tight
fit on the shaft, use a piece of tubing that contacts the
inner ring of the Bearing and clears the rotor shaft to
press the Bearing onto the shaft.
13. Position the assembled Gear Box (18) against the face of
the Motor Housing. Make certain the spline of the Rotor
engages the teeth of the First Stage Intermediate
Gear(21) properly.
14. Install the Housing Cover Cap Screws (2) along with the
Washers (4). With the motor running at a slow speed
(30 to 40 psig) (267 to 276 kPa) alternately tighten the
Screws to 28 to 31ft–lb. (38.0 to 42.0 Nm) torque.
4. While holding the Rotor in a vertical position, grasp the
spline in copper–covered vise jaws.
Form P6401 Edition 6
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