RAID Native SATA–150
4 Ports PCI Host
User Manual
LINDY No. 70541 (Internal 4 Port)
LINDY No. 70542 (External 2 Port + Internal 2 Port)
FIRST EDITION (November 2004)
Four high speed Serial ATA interface ports, each supporting 1st generation
Serial ATA data rates (1.5Gb/s).
Provides RAID 0 (Stripping) to greatly increase the performance of data
transfer by simultaneously writing data to 2 drives.
Provides RAID 1 (Mirroring) to protect the data from a disk failure by writing
identical data on 2 drives.
RAID 0+1 (Mirrored-Stripping) combine both Striping and Mirroring technologies to
provide both the performance enhancements that come from Striping and the data
availability and integrity that comes from Mirroring.
Fully compliant with Serial ATA 1.0 specifications.
Supports Spread Spectrum in receiver.
Independent 256-byte FIFOs (32 bit * 64 deep) per Serial ATA channel for host
reads and writes.
1.1.3. The Individual features for different HBA Models Model A: Serial ATA Internal 4 Ports
Supports Independent four Internal Ports Model B: SATA External 2 Port + Internal 2 Port
Supports two External Ports and two Internal Ports
Special Shell SATA connectors on External Port to support Mobile HDD, Mobile
CD-ROM, Mobile DVD and Mobile CD-RW
One USB-like Connector on board to provide 2A / 5V DC power output for External
Devices using
1.2. Package Contents
RAID Native SATA-150 4Ports PCI Host Adapter
This Users Manual
Driver CD
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2. What Is RAID
RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAID technology manages multiple disk drives to enhance I/O performance and provide
redundancy in order to withstand the failure of any individual member, without loss of
data. This card provides two RAID Set types, Striped (RAID 0) and Mirrored (RAID 1).
Disk Striping (RAID 0)
Striping is a performance-oriented, non-redundant data mapping technique. While Striping
is discussed as a RAID Set type, it is actually does not provide fault tolerance. With
modern SATA bus mastering technology, multiple I/O operations can be done in parallel,
enhancing performance. Striping arrays use multiple disks to form a larger virtual disk.
Disk Mirroring (RAID 1)
Disk mirroring creates an identical twin for a selected disk by having the data simultaneously
written to two disks. This redundancy provides instantaneous protection from a single disk
failure. If a read failure occurs on one drive, the system reads the data from the other
Mirrored-Striping (RAID 0+1 also known as RAID 10)
A Mirrored-Striping Set does just what it says, combining both Striping and Mirroring
technologies to provide both the performance enhancements that come from Striping
and the data availability and integrity that comes from Mirroring. When data is written to a
Mirrored-Striped Set, instead of creating just one virtual disk as Striping would do, a
second, Mirrored virtual disk is created as well.
3. BIOS Installation ( RAID Setting )
Creating and deleting RAID sets is a function found in the BIOS. During boot up, the RAID
setting message will appear and pause for a few moments to allow the user to choose what
to do. This board will act as normal NON-RAID card when BIOS not configured for RAID.
Just proceed to Software Installation section directly. If you use traditional parallel ATA
HDD, make sure your hard drives be set up as master mode before the RAID setting.
3.1. Creating Striped Sets (RAID 0)
1. As the BIOS boots, Press CTRL+S or F4 to enter the raid bios utility.
2. Select Create RAID set. Press Enter.
3. Select Stripe then press Enter.
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4. Select Auto configuration. Press Enter.
5. Press Y to save your settings.
6. Press CTRL+E and then press Y to exit the setup.
7. Continue with conventional Fdisk and Format steps as if you are installing a conventional
hard drive.
8. Your RAID configuration is complete. Please proceed to software installation section.
3.2. Creating Mirrored Sets (RAID 1)
1. As the BIOS boots, Press CTRL+S or F4 to enter the raid bios utility.
2. Select Create RAID set. Press Enter.
3. Select Mirrored then press Enter.
4. Select Auto configuration. Press Enter.
5. Press Y to save your settings.
6. Press CTRL+E and then press Y to exit the setup.
7. Continue with conventional Fdisk and Format steps as if you are installing a conventional
hard drive.
8.Your RAID configuration is complete. Please proceed to software installation section.
3.3. Creating a Mirrored-Striped Set
1. As the BIOS boots, press CTRL+S or F4 to enter the raid bios utility.
2. Select Create RAID set. Press F2.
3. Select Mirrored-Striped set then press F3.
4. Select Auto config. Press A.
5. Press Y and then press ESC to exit the setup.
6. Continue with conventional Fdisk and Format steps as if you are installing a conventional
hard drive.
7.Your RAID configuration is complete. Please proceed to software installation section.
3.4. Deleting RAID Sets
1. As the BIOS boots, Press CTRL+S or F4 to enter the raid bios utility.
2. Select Delete RAID set. Press Enter.
3. Answer Y to remove the RAID set. If the RAID set being deleted is a Striped set, then all of
the data will be lost. If the set being deleted is a Mirrored set, then the data will remain
intact and accessible on both drives.
3.5. Rebuilding Mirrored Sets
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1. After replacing the failed hard drives boot the BIOS, Press CTRL+S or F4 to enter the
raid bios utility.
2. Select rebuilding Mirrored set. Press Enter.
3. Select Online rebuild or Offline rebuild.
4. Answer Y to rebuild the Mirrored set of hard drive.
3.5. Resolving Conflict
When a RAID set is created, the metadata written to the disk includes drive connection
information (Primary and Secondary). If, after a disk failure, the replacement disk was
previously part of a RAID set (or used in another system), it may have conflicting
metadata, specifically in reference to the drive connection information. If so, this
will prohibit the RAID set from being either created or rebuilt, In order for the RAID set
to function properly, this old metadata must be first overwritten with the new metadata.
To resolve this, select Resolve Conflicts, and the correct metadata, including the correct
drive connection information, will be written to the replacement disk.
4. Software Installation
This section provides the information on how to install the drivers of RAID Native SATA-150
4Ports PCI Host Adapter for the operating systems:
New & Existing Windows 98/98 SE
New & Existing Windows ME
New & Existing Windows NT 4.0
New & Existing Windows 2000
New & Existing Windows XP
4.1. Windows 98/98SE Driver Installation
For New Windows 98/98 SE Systems (Fresh Installation)
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow
Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
2. Once Windows has been installed, double click My Computer/Control
Panel/System, then click Device Manager.
3. Double click Other Devices then PCI RAID Controller.
4. Click Driver tab, then Update Driver.
5. Insert the Driver CD and click Next.
6. Select Search for a better driver than the one ...option and click Next.
7. Check Specify a location, uncheck the other boxes, type in E:\ (If your
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CD-ROM/DVD is E:\) and click Browse.
8. Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0, click OK and then Next.
9.Click Next and then Finish.
10. Remove the Driver CD and click Yes to restart Windows to complete driver
For Existing Windows 98/98 SE Systems
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up
2. At the Add New Hardware Wizard, click Next.
3. Select Search for the best driver for your device option and then click Next.
4. Insert the Driver CD, check Specify a location, uncheck the other boxes, and click
5.Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0, click OK and then Next.(If your CD-ROM/DVD is E:\)
6. Click Next and then Finish respectively.
4.2. Windows ME Driver Installation
For New Windows ME Systems (Fresh Installation)
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow
Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
2. Once Windows has been installed, right click My Computer, then click Properties. Click
Device Manager tab.
3. Double click Other Devices then PCI RAID Controller.
4. Click Driver tab, then Update Driver.
5. Insert the Driver CD, check Specify the location of the driver (Advanced) and
click Next.
6. Select Search for the better driver option, check Specify a location, uncheck
Removable Media, type in E:\ (If your CD-ROM/DVD is E:\), and click Browse.
7. Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0, click OK and then Next.
8.Click Next and then Finish.
9. Remove the Driver diskette and click Yes to restart Windows to complete driver
For Existing Windows ME Systems
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up
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2. At the Add New Hardware Wizard, check Specify the location of the driver
(Advanced), and click Next.
3. Insert the Driver CD, check Specify a location, uncheck the other boxes, and click
4.Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0, click OK and then Next.(If your CD-ROM/DVD is E:\)
5. Click Next and then Finish.
Verification of the Proper Installation for Windows 98/98SE/ME
1. Double click My Computer/Control Panel/System. Click Device Manager tab.
2. Double click SCSI Controllers, Silicon Image Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller
should be listed.
3. Highlight Silicon Image Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller and click Properties. A
message This device is working properly is displayed in the dialog box, the driver
has been correctly installed. If any error message is displayed, remove Silicon Image
Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller and restart your system.
4.3. Windows NT 4.0 Driver Installation
For New Windows NT 4.0 System (Fresh Installation)
1. Before installation, copy all the files under directory E:\SATA Raid_4Port\ Sil3114\
Win98_me _2000_xp_nt4.0\driver\ *.* to a blank floppy disk
2. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow
Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
3. At the Windows Set-up screen, press F6 to specify and add the driver.
4. Press S, select Other, then press Enter.
5. Insert the Driver diskette and press Enter.
6. Select Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000
and press Enter.
7. Press Enter to continue and follow on-screen instructions to complete Windows NT
4.0 installation.
Add Windows NT 4.0 Driver on Original Booting Device
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up
Windows. Double click My Computer/Control Panel/SCSI Adapters, then click the Drivers
2. Click Add… then Have Disk....
3. Insert the Driver CD in your CD-ROM/DVD drive and type in E:\ (If your CD-ROM/DVD is
E:\), then click Browse.
4.Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
- 8 -
_2000_xp_nt4.0\Sl3114r.inf, click Open then OK.
5. Highlight Silicon Image Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller and click OK.
6.If the Insert Disk dialog appears, click OK then Browse.
7.Highlight Sl3114r.sys and click Open then OK.
Verification of the Proper Installation for Windows NT 4.0
1. Double click My Computer/Control Panel/SCSI Adapters.
2. Highlight Silicon Image Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller and click Properties.
This device is working properly is displayed in the dialog box, the driver has been
correctly installed.
4.4. Windows 2000 Driver Installation
For New Windows 2000 Systems (Fresh Installation)
1. Before installation, copy all the files under directory E:\SATA Raid_4Port\ Sil3114\
Win98_me _2000_xp_nt4.0\driver\ *.* to a blank floppy disk.
2. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow
Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
3. At the Windows Set-up screen, press F6 to specify and add the driver.
4. Insert the Driver diskette. Press S, then press Enter.
5. Select Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000
and press Enter.
6. Press Enter to continue and follow on-screen instructions to complete installation.
Add Windows 2000 Driver on Original Booting Device
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up
2. At the Found New Hardware Wizard, click Next.
3. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) and click Next.
4. Insert the Driver CD in your CD-ROM/DVD drive, check Specify a location, uncheck
the other boxes, click Next, type in E:\ (If your CD-ROM/DVD is E:\). Click Browse.
5. Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0\Sl3114r.inf, click Open then OK.
6. Click Next if the Digital Signature Not Found message appears, click Yes. (Note If
prompted for Windows 2000 CD-ROM, insert the CD and click OK. Type in E:\I386, click
OK and Finish. (assuming E: is your CD-ROM drive))
7. Click Finish.
4.5. Windows XP Driver Installation
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For New Windows XP Systems (Fresh Installation)
1. Before installation, copy all the files under directory E:\SATA Raid_4Port\ Sil3114\
Win98_me _2000_xp_nt4.0\driver\ *.* to a blank floppy disk
2. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow
Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
3. At the Windows Set-up screen, press F6 in order to specify and add the driver.
4. Insert the Driver diskette. Press S then press Enter.
5. Select Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller for Windows XP and press Enter.
6. Press Enter to continue and follow on-screen instructions to complete Windows XP
installation. Note: When the Software Installation warning pops up, click Yes. And
when the Hardware Installation warning pops up, click Yes again.
Add Windows XP Driver on Original Booting Device
1. After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up
2. At the Found New Hardware Wizard, check Install from a list or specific
location (Advanced), then click Next.
3. Insert the Driver CD. Check Include this location in the search, uncheck the other
box, type in E:\, and click Browse.
4. Points specify a location, example E:\SATA Raid_4Port\Sil3114\Win98_me
_2000_xp_nt4.0, click OK then Next.
5.When a warning message pops up, click Continue Anyway, then click Finish.
Verification of the Proper Installation for Windows 2000/XP
1. Double click My Computer/Control Panel/System.
2. Click Hardware then click Device Manager.
3. Double click SCSI and RAID Controllers, then double click Silicon Image
Sil 3114 SATARaid Controller to display driver properties.
4. A message This device is working properly is displayed in the dialog box, the
driver has been correctly installed.
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This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operations.
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